Inicio / Criminal complaint for domestic violence in Georgia
In this blog, we will explain everything related to filing a criminal complaint for domestic violence in Georgia.

Criminal complaint for domestic violence in Georgia

A criminal complaint for domestic violence in Georgia is a legal mechanism provided by the State to protect victims and severely punish the aggressor.

Domestic violence is a serious and frequent problem in Georgia. For victims, reporting this type of violence is essential to break the cycle of abuse and obtain the necessary legal protection

 However, many people do not report it due to fear, lack of information, or uncertainty about what will happen next.

In this article, we will explain in detail how the criminal complaint process for domestic violence in Georgia works, what consequences aggressors face, and what rights victims have.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is any harmful act committed by a person against a close family member, such as their partner, children, siblings, or people living under the same roof.

If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read our related article.

Now, according to the definitions of the State of Georgia, the following acts can be considered domestic violence:

  1. Physical violence: includes hitting, pushing, strangulation, assaults with objects, biting, or any other form of bodily harm.
  2. Emotional and psychological violence: insults, constant humiliation, social isolation, manipulation, suicide threats, or any action that instills fear in the victim.
  3. Sexual violence: forced sexual acts, coercion within a relationship, sexual harassment, or any non-consensual act.
  4. Economic violence: total control of money, preventing the victim from working, or making financial decisions without their consent.
  5. Harassment and threats: stalking, constant surveillance, intimidating phone calls, or threats of physical harm.

Criminal complaint for domestic violence in Georgia

If you or a close family member are victims of domestic violence, you can file a criminal complaint against the aggressor to ensure your safety.

A criminal complaint seeks to apply the necessary preventive measures to protect the victim and, at the same time, ensure that the aggressor appears before the law and is judged for their actions.

To file a criminal complaint, you can go to the nearest police department, the county court, or call 911 directly.

The most recommended option is to call 911, especially if you are experiencing a domestic violence incident, as the police, if they find sufficient evidence, can immediately arrest the aggressor and initiate a criminal process against them.

Criminal penalties faced by the aggressor

Depending on the act of violence committed by the aggressor, the court may impose the following penalties for domestic violence.


A conviction for domestic violence may result in the aggressor serving time in prison. The sentence can range from 6 months to 20 years, depending on the severity of the injuries inflicted on the victim.


Another penalty the aggressor may face is paying substantial fines for acts of domestic violence. The amount to be paid ranges from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on the severity of the injuries caused to the victim.

Protective orders against the aggressor

Finally, the court may grant the victim a protective order to prevent the aggressor from approaching them. Restraining orders may also require the aggressor to cover housing and living expenses.

If you want to learn more about protective orders in Georgia, we invite you to read our article.

Consequences of a criminal complaint for domestic violence in Georgia

If a person is found guilty of domestic violence, they will have a criminal record, which will make their personal and professional life more difficult.

A criminal record can create obstacles when looking for a job or applying for bank loans, as these institutions usually check this information before making a decision.

Additionally, it can restrict certain rights; for example, individuals convicted of domestic violence are prohibited from possessing firearms.

Finally, a conviction may result in the loss of visitation and custody rights over their children, as well as negatively impact their family relationships.

In conclusion

Filing a criminal complaint for domestic violence in Georgia is a key step in breaking the cycle of abuse and ensuring the safety of victims.

If you are in danger, seek help immediately. Knowing your rights and the legal procedures will help you navigate the process with greater confidence.

At The Law Office Of Caroline Pineres we always seek to protect the rights of our clients. If you are a victim of domestic violence and need solid and aggressive legal representation, call us at our numbers 1-770-956-9961 | 1-404-920-4746 and we will start working on your case.

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