Inicio / New child support guidelines in Georgia 2024
nuevos lineamientos de manutención infantil en Georgia

New child support guidelines in Georgia 2024

Have you heard about the new child support guidelines in Georgia that will take effect in 2024?

If you are in the middle of a divorce or custody process, or you are already paying child support, it is essential to stay up to date with the new regulations.

These laws aim not only to be fairer and more equitable for both parties but also to prioritize the well-being of the children, who are the most affected by these decisions.

In this blog, we explain the most important changes and how they affect you.

Introduction to the new child support guidelines in Georgia

Child support is a serious issue that affects many families in Georgia.

With more parents working independently, changes in income, and new types of families, it became clear that child support laws needed to be updated.

That is why, in 2024, the state has implemented new changes, outlined in Senate Bill 454 (SB 454), aimed at reflecting these current economic realities and adapting to new shared custody arrangements.

The intention is to ensure that the well-being of the children is not compromised without placing an excessive financial burden on either parent.

The new child support guidelines in Georgia for 2024

Below, we detail the most important changes implemented with the SB454 law.

1. Increase in basic child support amounts

One of the most significant aspects of the new guidelines is the overall increase in basic child support amounts. This is in response to the rising cost of living that had not been reflected in previous tables.

Now, child support payments will be higher at almost all income levels, ensuring better coverage of children’s needs.

2. Adjustment of the income threshold for high earners

The new scheme raises the combined income threshold from $30,000 to $40,000 per month. Previously, incomes above $30,000 required a high-income deviation, but with this modification, high-income families will see an automatic increase in payments without needing that additional deviation.

3. Mandatory adjustment for parenting time

One of the most relevant new child support guidelines in Georgia is the implementation of a mandatory parenting time adjustment, which is now reflected in the child support calculation tables.

Until now, judges had the discretion to adjust payments based on the time each parent spent with the child, which led to disparities between similar cases.

Under the new rules, parenting time will be a mandatory factor in the calculations, benefiting 50/50 shared custody cases and ensuring consistency in judicial decisions.

4. Adjustment for low income

In addition to parenting time adjustments, a new mechanism has been introduced for low-income parents.

Unlike the previous system, where a deviation had to be requested, this new adjustment will be automatic, providing financial relief for low-income individuals by reducing the child support payments without the need for additional procedures.

5. Gradual implementation until 2026

While changes to the child support tables and parenting time adjustments will take effect in July 2024, other modifications, such as some of the new calculation rules and specific adjustments, will be gradually implemented until January 2026.
This allows families and courts time to adapt to the new regulations.

In conclusion

The new child support guidelines in Georgia aim to modernize the system and ensure that payments are fairer and better reflect current circumstances, such as shared custody agreements and the economic difficulties of some parents.

If you are involved in a child support case, whether to modify an existing agreement or establish a new one, it is crucial to consult with a family law attorney to ensure these changes work in your favor.

At The Law Office of Caroline Pineres, we offer our expertise to support you and your family in navigating these new dynamics and ensuring your rights are protected.

We invite you to contact us at 1-770-956-9961 | 1-404-920-4746 and schedule an appointment.

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